Mission Messiah
We all have someone we love whose life has been destroyed by addiction. The bondage from drugs, alcohol, bad relationships and depression is real and destructive.
There is an answer. A way to repair the damage. A way for lives be restored, health regained, and relationships rebuilt.
The answer is Jesus Christ.
Mission Messiah is a eighteen month faith based residential program for women and their children. The eighteen months consist of 12 months of campus residency, and 6 months of accountable living (on their own) through mentorship, counseling and service.
Through the application of solid Bible teaching, Scripture memorization, and constant attention by staff and volunteers, lives are changed and made new.
We invite you to explore the details about Mission Messiah and to read the remarkable testimonies of the many women who have graduated from our program. If you love someone who is bound in addiction, we invite you to download an application package. If you would like to help fund our program, we know that God will richly bless your giving. Above all, we covet your prayers for our women, their children, and the staff and volunteers who daily pour into the lives of our residents.